



  • All transcript request 必须 be made via the online request system, which includes the student’s electronic signature.
  • 成绩单可以通过U.S. 邮件, E-delivery to a school or organization, E-delivery to an e-mail address, or held for pick-up in the Registrar's Office. If ordering a transcript as hold for pick-up, 请注意我们的办公时间,并准备好在领取成绩单时出示带照片的身份证明.    
  • Some organizations may 不 accept an electronic transcript. 学生有责任在订购前与接收方确认. Please choose the option to request a mailed transcript.
  • 在处理申请之前,必须清除学生账户上的所有财务欠款.
  • UMSL 校友 applying to the University of Missouri-St. 路易 Graduate School do 不 need to request an UMSL transcript. The Graduate School has access to your UMSL record.
  • 如果您要求您的成绩单与学位授予批注, 请注意,学位授予需要从你获得学位的学期结束后的6周. 为了确保你的学位被列在成绩单上,请选择“保留学位”选项. 您的成绩单将在您获得学位的学期结束后45天内发布. 

How to Request a Transcript (select from one of the three options)

  1. 导航到 成绩单申请页面. Please make sure to read the instructions on the landing page. When ready, select the Order Transcript button to begin your request.
  2. 或者登录 MyView, select Self-Service, then Request a Transcript. 您将被重定向到国家学生信息中心-pc加拿大app下载洛杉矶分校成绩单登陆页面.
For questions, contact our office at 314-516-5545, or by email ( onlinetranscript@karitsaiset.net),如有任何问题. Please do 不 send transcript request to this email address. 

巴恩斯护理学院的成绩单,在1994年秋季之前,不再在UMSL提供. 请将您的请求发送到:Goldfarb护理学院,BJC / 4483 Duncan Ave. / St. 路易, MO 63110 or call 314-454-7055 with questions.

How to Check the Status of Your 记录请求

使用订购时提供给您的订单号,导航到 NSC订购网站 然后输入号码.
除了, 在订购的时候,您可以输入一个手机号码的文本提醒,以跟踪您的订单 .




  • What delivery options are available for official transcripts?
    • Official transcripts can be delivered by mail, electronically to an email address, e-delivery to a school or organization (if they are a participant), 或者亲自去接. 请注意, 如果您的成绩单以电子方式交付,并且您使用的是最新版本的Adobe(版本XI),那么您还必须安装最新的Adobe Flash . 亲自领取或寄给学生的成绩单可能被认为是非正式的 . Please check with the intended receiving party.  
  • Does UMSL offer an unoffical transcript?
    • UMSL确实 offer an unofficial transcript
    • While UMSL确实 不 offer an unofficial transcript, 如果不是直接从大学收到,一些收件人可能会认为你的成绩单是非官方的, or if they do 不 accept a certain medium (electronic or mailed).  我们建议您在下订单前与接收方核实.
    • If you do 不 need an official transcript, you can access each semester grades in MyView self-service, or on your degree audit report. 
  • What is the cost of a transcript?
    • Effective 5/1/2023, Paper transcripts (mailed, or picked up) are $10.00 /份. 电子版5美元.00
    • Additional transcript fees apply to each delivery method
      • A $2.90 transcript processing fee will be applied to all orders.
      • For orders being mailed, an additional $2.15 SecurePrint fee will be applied in addition to the $2.90手续费.
  • What are the payment options for an official transcript?
    • Transcripts 必须 be paid by credit or debit card.
  • How long will it take to receive my transcript? Assuming there are no holds on the account?
    • 通过邮寄的成绩单申请将在24小时内得到处理. 邮寄成绩单是标准的一等邮资和交付取决于美国.S. 邮政服务.
    • 通过电子邮件或电子邮件发送的成绩单请求将在24小时内发送. 请允许下一个工作日,如果在星期五或周末订购. 收件人 is responsible to download. 
    • 通过我们的在线订购系统收到的请求将在提交请求后24小时在我们的办公室领取. 请注意 our office hours on our website.  Photo identification is required to pick up a transcript.
    • 本学期成绩的成绩单在学期结束后大约五天寄出, 或者作为成绩张贴.
    • 学位发布的成绩单在学期结束后大约45天寄出,以便有时间授予和验证学位.
  • What happens if I have a hold on my account?
    • All holds 必须 be cleared before your transcript can be released.
  • Do you provide express mail delivery?
    • Yes, for an additional charge. 在通过国家学生信息中心订购成绩单时,请选择此选项.
  • Can I let someone else pick up my transcript?
    • Yes, if you order a transcript to be held for pickup. 然而, you 必须 indicate the name of the person, 并声明他们已经获得你的许可,可以代表你使用 Third Party Transcript Release Form  (PDF 179 kb). 收件人 必须 show a photo ID to pick up the transcript.
  • Can I order a 不arized transcript?
    • 是的,请使用 申请公证表格. 将完成的表格作为附件上载到您的成绩单请求中. Notarized transcript are only available for pickup. 

Electronic Transcript Questions

  • What are electronically delivered transcripts?
    • The University of Missouri-St. 路易, 与国家学生信息中心合作,现在提供可以发送到电子邮件地址的成绩单. 这些成绩单是数字的,学生记录的签名副本,以安全的PDF文件格式保存.
  • 电子成绩单是否被视为正式成绩单?
    • The university considers an electronic transcript an official copy. 但是,与发给学生的成绩单一样,电子成绩单 可能被认为是非官方的 接收方.
  • Is my information secure when sent electronically?
    • 电子文件安全由我们在国家学生信息中心的合作伙伴提供. 他们的 安全声明 说, “信息交换中心采用多种技术和操作保障措施, 包括信息安全最佳实践和行业标准,如128位安全通信. 所有传输中的数据都通过SSL连接进行保护,以保护我们所关心的学生记录和文件. 我们还采取了积极的防御措施,以限制数据丢失或被盗的风险."
  • Can my transcript be altered once it has been received?
    • No, the electronic transcript can不 be modified. The PDF transcript is locked to prevent tampering. 如果制作副本并更改文件,数字签署将会丢失,从而提醒收件人它可能不准确.
  • 我的电子成绩单需要多长时间才能收到?
    • Requests received through our online ordering system that are 电子化 to an email address are sent within 24 hours, if your request was received during normal business hours, which are Monday-Friday from 8am to 4pm. If your order was received outside of normal business hours, it will be processed at the beginning of the next business day. 请注意:登录并下载成绩单是接收者的责任. They will receive two separate emails. 第一封表明正在传送一份抄本并提供了安全密码. 第二封电子邮件包含他们登录和访问成绩单的链接. 这些链接将在15天后过期,成绩单将无法访问. 如果接收人没有及时访问,则需要订购新的成绩单. 
  • How much does the electronically delivered transcript cost?
    • The cost for an electronic transcript is $5 per copy (plus fees).
  • Can I send an attached form with my electronic transcript?
    • In partnership with the National Student Clearinghouse, when ordering your transcript online, you may include up to three attachments. 这些附件经过审查并得到注册办公室的批准. 
  • 我的电子成绩单收到后多久可以查阅?
    • 收件人 has 30 days to retrieve and download the transcript. 一旦下载到您的计算机成绩单不会过期,并将始终保持安全. Later the recipient may retrieve it, forward it, etc. just as one would do with any PDF document.