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Adding Courses

学生无需行政审批即可通过“正式截止报名日”添加课程 MyView, or in person. To view the official last day to enroll, visit the semester calendar page.

For help adding courses, view the following instructions - Adding a Course in MyGateway Or Adding a Course In MyView

在“正式报名的最后一天”之后,学生将被要求获得必要的签名.  请参阅有关会议的签名表 Semester Calendar Page

Use Schedule Planner to find your ideal schedule. For a tutorial click below.


If you are a Cross Campus Enrollment student in the UM-System, visit our Cross Campus Enrollment page.

Determining Enrollment Periods

Currently Enrolled Students -本学期注册的学生将通过电子邮件收到注册日期,告知他们何时可以开始为未来学期添加课程. This date is also viewable in their MyView Student Center. Enrollment dates are assigned based on academic career, projected academic level for the term enrolling, and cumulative units completed.  秋季开始于3月中旬,春季开始于10月中旬.  

New Students 新到马萨诸塞大学的学生可以在公开注册期间注册. 秋季和春季的开放注册时间分别为3月底和10月底. 所有寻求学位的新学生在注册课程之前都必须见一位指导老师. 你的指导老师会给你一份学位审核报告的复印件. 


Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Option

To submit a request to change your grading basis, log into MyGateway and select the appropriate tile. 

For assistance, please follow these instructions.


本科学生可以在满意/不满意(S/U)评分基础上学习最多18个学分. 这包括选修课程或满足通识教育要求的课程. 特定学位所要求的大多数课程可能无法达到满意/不满意的基础. 学术部门可以在其管辖范围内指定其他课程,这些课程不能在该选项下学习.

当老师给学生A分时,一个满意的分数“S”被记录下来, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C or C-, and has no numerical value in computing students' cumulative grade point average; however, it does satisfy credit-hour-for graduation requirements. 不满意的成绩“U”被记录下来,当教师给分数D+, D, D-或F. 成绩为“U”的课程不满足毕业学分要求. Grades will be recorded on transcripts as S or U

学生以正常方式注册课程,并可在常规学期的前四周(或暑期课程的前两周)结束前进行满意/不满意的选择。. 此选项的请求是通过适当的院长办公室提出的. 在提交课程成绩之前,教师不会被告知学生是否满意或不满意的课程.


Dropping Courses


学生可以通过MyView或亲自退课,而无需在16周学期的第四周获得成绩, 八周课程的第二周和四周课程的第一周. 具有特定学术职位的学生可能需要获得其顾问的批准才能更改其时间表.  

From the 5th week to the end of the 8th week of a sixteen-week semester, and the 3rd week to the end of the 4th week of an eight-week session, 学生可以在没有老师批准的情况下继续在MyView中退课. A grade of “EX” (excused) will be issued on the transcript. Refer to the semester calendar for summer or winter session withdrawal deadlines.

From the 9th week to the end of the 12th week of the sixteen-week session and the 5th week to the end of the 6th 在为期八周的课程中,退课需要导师的批准. Students may request approval to drop classes using the online form in MyGateway.  这将启动放弃请求,并将其提交给教练和需要批准的任何其他办公室. See the semester calendar for the official last day to drop.

Students dropping a class can check the Fee Reassessment Chart to determine any change in tuition.

For help dropping classes, view the following instructions - Dropping a Course in MyGateway Or Dropping a Course in MyView

Withdrawing for the Semester

After enrolling in classes, 选择退学的学位学生必须完成必要的程序才能正式退出课程.  This includes but is not limited to the withdrawal request. 申请完成后,将向学生发送电子邮件通知.

非攻读学位的学生不需要填写退学申请 but are required 根据学期日历和退课说明,以适当的方式正式退课.

Students should drop all but one of their courses in MyView>Self-Service through the eighth week of the semester.  从第5周到第8周,学生将自动获得EX分数, 然后,学生将被指示完成撤回请求. Once the request is verified by the Registrar’s Office, 该学生的最后一门课程将以提交申请的日期为除名日期.

From the ninth through the twelfth week of the semester, 学生需要提交他们的请求,通过 online form in MyGateway 谁将把他们的请求提交给教练批准. EXF或EX的分数是根据学生当时是及格还是不及格而颁发的. 除退学申请外,学生还需要提交退学申请.

After this period, instructor and 院长批准是必需的,并将通过在线表格相应地路由. 如果学生在第八周后要求退学,可能需要提供额外的文件.

For 8 Week Session courses, 请访问注册官网站上的8周学期日历以获得必要的批准. 

欲了解更多信息,请参阅通用规则 Bulletin.